Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Google Docs forms

OK, so I know I'm a blogger lagger. I know it's 10 minutes before the meeting. I'll do better next time.
I use Google Docs forms quite a bit for data collection. Today I set up the computers in my classroom to a survey ( and click on Survey). I collect book numbers and email addresses this way, so I don't have to write them down and risk losing the paper, type the email addresses, etc. It's pretty handy.
I also use it for course evaluations at the end of each quarter and other times I need to collect info from kids.
See half of you soon...


Emily Beltz said...

I really like the survey idea you used in class. What a great way to submit information! I'm hoping this survey application will take off with students. I have an optional survey on my homepage which only one student has accessed so far. But what a great idea!

Jeanne LaMoore said...

The survey is a great idea! I need to do something like this for reader responses. Thanks for sharing.

Nelson's teachings said...


You are a genius!! I might have to survey my students. It might be an easier way to keep track of ALL my book numbers rather than that old paper route. Thanks for the idea!