* Which customizable homepage did you choose? Why did that one appeal to you? Will you make it your permanent home page?
I tried iGoogle. I know lots of you love it, but most of the things that could be added just didn't seem that fantastic to me. I actually use the Google Toolbar for most of this stuff. For example:
Maps: If you have the google toolbar, you can just type (or paste) and address in there and it will give you a map. Just as easy as iGoogle.
Weather: Firefox can show weather in the status bar (down by the clock on your computer).
Google Bookmarks, Gmail: also in the Google Toolbar
Joke of the day, Optical illusions, etc.: Entertaining, but not really "productivity tools" Maybe more the opposite of that, actually.
Blog reader: I actually prefer to not have all my blogs on my homepage. I tried it, but found it distracting to have them popping up all the time. I'd rather choose when to read blogs, and then have them all in one place (Google reader) rather than in front of me all the time.
So I guess I'm not an iGoogle fan, mainly because I've already got other ways to do this stuff that seems easier to me. But one advantage is if I'm at a public computer that doesn't have my google toolbar or other firefox addins, then I can still get at this info.
* Did you find a tool that has some uses for you at school or home? Which tool(s) would you recommend to others?
See above.
* How can the online calendars be useful to you?
My wife and I have tried to use the Mac online version of iCalendar (through their MobleMe service). It just hasn't replaced our paper calendar, though. We kind of like being able to see the calendar hanging on the wall so we can quick glance at it during dinner or on the way out the door-without booting up the computer.
At school, though, my online calendars are very important to my functioning. I use outlook calendar to manage everything I need to do at school, and the reminders are really helpful to me. In fact, when I get the stereotypical "buy milk on the way home" email from my wife, I put that on my calendar with a reminder 15 minutes before I think I'm going to leave so I remember.
The most important use of my wikis (for Honors and AP Chem plus Knowledge Bowl) are the calendars there. I use the class calendars now for lesson planning instead of using a lesson plan book. I can do everything in one place so it's less work for me (not having to transfer it over) plus kids/parents have instant knowledge as soon as I schedule a test or something.
* What about the To Do Lists -- helpful? too much work?
I use outlook calendar for this (see above). It's more useful for me to have it all in one place.
OK, one more. A friend of mine was scheduling our traditional Thanksgiving football game. He sent out an email that was a horizontal list of dates. Each person was supposed to add their name and mark an X under the dates/times that they could make it. He had basically invented the Doodle poll that we used last summer. I sent him the link and we did it that way instead. Now there's a simple yet very effective online productivity tool.
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It was interesting reading how you use the Google toolbar. I've never looked into the toolbar so I didn't realize it had so many options.
I like how you've used a wiki to keep your classes informed on due dates and accessing your various handouts.
Good job remembering the Doodle poll for organizing your football game!
I just posted elsewhere that I, too, prefer to keep things compartmentalized and that I don't really like igoogle.
Very cool that you were able to use Doodle! Hope you had a good game :)
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